The Extractive Industry Geology (EIG) Conference is the principal event for sharing knowledge, scientific research and good practice in the field of applied geology within the UK minerals industry. In 2008 the EIG Conference became a Company Limited by Guarantee, with two main objectives:
To run conferences, meetings, site visits and other functions for the benefit of professional persons and students involved in Extractive Industry Geology; and
To publish proceedings of conferences and other documents and may support relevant research as appropriate and may sponsor students undertaking approved courses.
In line with the second of these objectives, and subject to the availability of sufficient funds, the EIG periodically issues Scholarships to suitable applicants, (see the application form link below). The EIG Scholarship programme provides funds to support research of relevance to the UK extractive industries, linked to a process of supervision, mentoring, peer review and dissemination.
The Aim of EIG Scholarships
Aim to promote, and advance the understanding of, geological applications within the extractive industries in the UK.
‘extractive industries’ are those relating to the commercial extraction and processing of solid minerals in the UK. These include, for example, bulk aggregates, industrial minerals, metalliferous minerals and coal, but not oil and gas; and
‘geological application’ is any professional activity relevant to the extractive industry that is carried out by geologists or related geo-professionals, whether working for (or on behalf of) the commercial operators involved or the relevant regulatory bodies.
These professional activities include, but are not limited to, the following disciplines:
The characteristics and utilisation of mineral resources;
Geological investigation and modelling;
Geotechnical analysis, applications and solutions;
Extraction and restoration design;
Environmental geology including geodiversity;
Hydrology and hydrogeology.
Those eligible to apply for EIG Scholarships include UK undergraduates and postgraduates, studying geology or related subjects, together with those professionally engaged in any geological application, to support studies or project work that is relevant to the EIG Scholarship aim.
Research Topics
Specific suggestions regarding individual research topics which would be of interest to UK mineral operators or regulators may periodically be given on the EIG website. Applicants are also free, however, to develop and propose their own topics.
EIG Scholarships, up to a maximum value of £3,000 per person, are designed to supplement existing sources of funding which the recipient may have access to, including student grants and loans and including salaries or other income.
They are intended specifically to encourage additional work, in keeping with the EIG Scholarship aim, that might not otherwise be possible, and to ensure that the findings of such work are disseminated to the industry through the presentation of their results at an EIG Conference or event.
Funding is usually issued in two instalments, the second payment being subject to satisfactory progress, at the mid-term point of the project (to be agreed at the outset). Typically, the funding might be used to allow for supplementary costs, such as additional travelling, field investigation, sampling, laboratory testing or software development.
Each EIG scholar will be assigned a mentor from industry – usually a member of the EIG committee. The mentor and scholar will meet at least three times during the course of the Scholarship to agree aims, objectives and timescales; to monitor progress against these; and to confirm eligibility for the second instalment of funding.
EIG Scholarship Award & Conference Presentation
2014 Scholarship Award Winner Kieran Blacker
Following peer review of their research findings, recipients may be eligible for an EIG Scholarship Award as a certificate of satisfactory completion. They will also be expected to present their findings, either orally or as a poster, at an EIG Conference or event, where they will receive their award.
To register your interest, check your eligibility or discuss an application please contact the EIG Scholarship Officer :
Download the Application Form.