2021 EIG Virtual Conference
The free virtual EIG Conference was held on 3rd and 4th November 2021.
The virtual auditorium full of personalised delegate avatars!
It was a resounding success and unlike anything that we have attempted before. It was the closest recreation as possible to the ‘feeling’ of a normal EIG conference, without actually being there!. The with an Auditorium and presenter programme was well attended even providing a few laughs along the way as people grappled to control their personalised avatars. It was a great opportunity to network as you would at a physical conference and we were grateful to all those exhibited in the purposely designed expo hall, with some fantastic content on show, thank you for all your effort creating the resources and interactive displays for all the delegates that joined us.
Catching up and networking with our EIG community is something that we all missed through the pandemic - virtual EIG 2021 enabled over 160 participating delegates to do this in a relaxed and comfortable virtual environment, whilst avoiding any uncertainty or concern over large gatherings and social distancing.
If you attended we hope you found the experience worthwhile and many delegates kindly contributed their views and experiences in the post-conference survey, now we know that should we ever need to use this technology in the future we now know how to enrich that experience further.
The final speaker programme is viewable here.
The meeting covered a diverse and interesting mix of topics including, wetland restoration, geodiversity, karst hydrogeology, gold recovery in the third world, chemostratigraphy and marine aggregates.
Venue: online via the 3-D Virbella conferencing platform
CPD certificates of attendance were provided at the end of the event, if you are missing your copy or would like to offer some feedback about the event please use the general enquiries contact below.
If you exhibited and have any questions contact Marcus Dorey, Marcus.dorey@hanson.biz.
Exhibitor stands at this event were located within the virtual conference hall.