Student involvement
The Extractive Industry Geology (EIG) Conference is the principal event for sharing knowledge, scientific research and good practice in the field of applied geology within the UK minerals industry. We are keen to encourage greater involvement from students, our future professionals.
Back in 2008 the EIG set out its two main objectives:
To run conferences, meetings, site visits and other functions for the benefit of professional persons and students involved in Extractive Industry Geology; and
To publish proceedings of conferences and other documents and support relevant research as appropriate including helping to sponsor students to undertake approved courses, dissertations and fieldwork.
Student Team, Exeter 2022
In line with these objectives the EIG offers the following opportunities for students:
• A small Student Team at the University hosting our conferences is utilised to provide support to our delegates and in return they attend the event for free.
• An EIG Scholarship Programme offering financial support for research of relevance to the UK extractive industries.
• Connections that enable industry-based student projects.
• A student poster competition to enable more geoscience students to attend the main conference and learn about the extractive industry.
Student Testimonials
Alice, 2018 graduate
“I really enjoyed volunteering at the EIG conference when it took place in Durham in September 2018. As I was an Earth Sciences undergraduate heading into my 2nd year, the conference opened my eyes to the wide variety of jobs within the extractive industry sector”.
“I am now heading into my 3rd year and beginning to write my level 3 dissertation. My supervisor is Professor Chris Greenwell from Durham University, who I met whilst volunteering at the conference. His proposed dissertation topic really interested me; it focusses on the remediation of spoil heap effluent at abandoned mines. I begin my dissertation research next week at an abandoned lead mine in County Durham!”
“If I had not volunteered at the EIG conference I may not be researching such an interesting topic for my dissertation. The conference was a great event and really helped me develop personally and professionally”.
Darin, 2019 graduate, GIS Technician
"During the EIG conference hosted by the University of Birmingham I worked in a team with other student helpers to make sure that the delegates’ experience was going well and everyone was happy. This was my first geology related conference and I found most of the talks and the debates interesting. I also benefitted from making new industry acquaintances and talking to some young geologists about their research and job seeking experience. Volunteering at the conference helped me to expand my geology contacts network, which was extremely important for my future career."
Scott, 2016 graduate, Exploration Geologist
“I volunteered as a student helper at the 2016 EIG conference just after completing my third and final year of BSc. Geology. As well as learning plenty by sitting in on numerous lectures I was able to use it as a platform for networking.
Showing delegates around the venue and assisting set-up of the exhibition hall allowed an opportunity to speak with senior figures in the extractives industry that I am still in contact with today. Moreover, volunteering at an industry conference looks great on the CV and is something that I received compliments on from potential employers during job application processes just after graduating.”
Gareth, 2014 graduate, Geologist
“I was a Student Helper at the 2014 EIG Conference. As a Student Helper I was able to attend the conference and learn about the extractive industry, but also managed to secure a geological internship placement, which has since developed into a career as a geologist. I therefore owe a great deal to the EIG Conference, and coming back as a professional geologist it continues to be invaluable for keeping up with developments and people in the industry.
If any students are reading this, I cannot recommend attending the conference enough – it’s the perfect way of getting an insight into a fantastic industry to work in which is often overlooked as a career option at University!”