2018 Proceedings - Durham
Aggregate resources in a marine conservation zone: Addressing environmental concerns with a geoscientific model - (final version - unpaginated) A G Bellamy & J A Holcroft
Hydrogeological and environmental challenges presented by surface coal mining in a historic Scottish coalfield S Haunch P Butler I Watson & M Friel
Is it time industrial rocks and minerals geologists to better exploit block modelling? S P Lawrence
Trench collapse or murder? A E Cobb
A workable method for forecasting sand and gravel demand for Local Aggregate Assessments in England M Ratcliff
Potential for co-treatment of mine water and waste water in waste water treatment works C J Satterley P Thorn & S Davies
Teaching resource geology through industry based geological mapping projects: A model of work integrated learning at undergraduate level P E Anderson
Rock engineering investigations at Winsford Mine E Passaris & G Dunn
A new valuation method for dimension stone mining projects and properties M Cosi
A question of balance : An essay on the current state of quarrying and the environment in England and Wales A Thompson
Free at the point of use - The next generation of BGS online resources C Mitchell