2008 Proceedings - Cardiff
- 15th Conference Cover
- Intro pages
- Oldcorn R C and Seago R D: Interpretation of Geological Structure to Assist with Geotechnical Planning at Taffs Well Quarry
- Baldock J C, Cobb A E and Jameson D E: Modelling of rockfall and analysis using BlastMetriX and ShapeMetriX
- Birch W J, White T J and Hosein S: Electronic detonators: a step forward in blast vibraton control?
- Bush R V: The quarry geotechnical assessment – its content and purpose
- Patton M A G, Young M E and Johnston T P: New earth science data and extractive industry policy in Northern Ireland
- Bright P B, Dumpleton S, Hatton W and Oldcorn R: Coal mining in structurally complex geological settings – examples from South Wales and South America
- Comberbach C D, O’Donnell G, and Savery S P A: Natural resources and national roads: the case of a state mining facility of scheduled mineral and the N9/N10 highway scheme in Ireland
- Martin S J: The development of minerals planning policy in Wales since devolution
- Hall R L and Reed S J: “PondSizer”: a free application for sizing attenuation ponds, sumps and settlement lagoons
- Garrick H, Davison R and Digges La Touche G: Assessing the impact of quarry dewatering on archaeological assets
- Scott P W and Walton G: The geology of Penlee Quarry, Cornwall, its impact on previous quarrying and future use
- Brown T J, Mankelow J, McEvoy F and Ward J: Aggregates – is there a need for indigenous production in England?
- Thompson A and Harris K E: Reasons for the decline in sand and gravel aggregate reserves in England
- Mankelow J M, Bate R, Bide T, Mitchell C, Linley K, Hannis S and Cameron D: Aggregate resource alternatives: Future options for meeting aggregate minerals supply from outside National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty
- Jackson N C: Long term aggregates supply - myths, perceptions, hazards, risks and solutions
- Hicks L B: Managed Aggregates supply research programme for England – an overview
- Mankelow J M, Oyo-Ita D and Birkin M: Assessing the carbon footprint of transporting primary aggregates
- Bide T: A new look at the mineral resources of the Scottish central belt: defining mineral resources for sustainable communities
- Atkinson D: Minerals master planning through Area Action Plans
- Hetherington L E and Highley D E: The strategic importance of the marine aggregate industry to the UK
- Lockhart-Mummery E and Marker B R: Marine and land sand and gravel – steps towards a comparative assessment of impacts
- Gandy M K: The coal industry – what is the future?
- Regueiro M and González-Barros: Flintstone to microchips: the history of the use of industrial minerals in our everyday life
- Cameron D G, Mankelow J M and Lott G K: Safeguarding stone : identification of local stone resources for building and conservation in England
- Walton G and Pritchard D M: Some recent developments in building stone operations in Southern England
- Mitchell C and Benham A: On the road to Qalamkar: the block seller of Kabul
- Jameson D. and Walton G: Intraformational weak horizons and their importance for slope stability
- Tucker D S, Lapworth, A D, Moore J and Passe C: The rapid collection and practical application of geotechnical data to quarry designs
- Appendix 1
- Paul Brewer: A Tribute to Dr William (Bill) Lawrence Barrett